How do species respond to environmental change?

Schematic for identifying tolerance and intolerance signatures among marine animals experiencing physical and biological changes in their environment through integrating data from molecular surveys. Adapted from Vilne and Schunkert (2018) Front. Cardiovasc.

Certain environmental conditions are beneficial while others are harmful to animals. Trying to understand what species will be tolerant or intolerant to particular environmental conditions is crucial for effective species management and environmental regulations in the face of climate change.

Studying a variety of animals from shellfish to salmon using genomics technologies and bioinformatics tools to measure whole-sale molecular responses paired with health observations can pinpoint how exactly animals compensate under stressful conditions. This holistic approach is similar to how a mechanic might look under the hood of a car to examine how parts collectively influence the performance of the car. This research aims to identify biomarkers that lead to resilience in aquaculture species to help prioritize genetic traits for targeted breeding strategies and population monitoring.


   shelly.wanamaker [at] gmgi [dot] org

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   Gloucester, MA 01930 USA